Tan’s Talks: Pride Month

How is your company celebrating Pride Month in June (and beyond…)? Do you have speakers lined up to deliver talks to your employees yet? If not, I can help.

Despite a general increase in acceptance of LGBTQ people in society and work, there is still so much more work to do in creating a truly inclusive and welcoming environment for them to thrive and go about their daily lives without fear.

Here are just a small number of facts and figures from across an array of studies about the experiences of LGBTQ+ workers in the UK:

  • 35% of LGBT staff have hidden or disguised that their sexuality or gender identity at work because they were afraid of discrimination (Stonewall)
  • 11% of LGBT+ employees have experienced someone disclosing that they were LGBT+ without their permission (Business in the Community)
  • 1 in 5 workplaces do not have any policies to support LGBT staff (TUC)
  • 41% of people who identify as transgender, non-binary or another gender have experienced bullying, discrimination or harassment at work (Culture Shift)
  • 40% of LGB+ and trans workers report higher levels of workplace conflict than heterosexual, cisgender workers at 29% (CIPD)

And if you’re also part of another underrepresented group such as identifying as trans, an ethnic or religious minority, or from a lower socioeconomic background, you are more likely to have these negative experiences.

Talks and consultancy work for Pride Month

So how can I assist your organisation in steering towards a more understanding, supportive and inclusive workplace for LGBTQ employees, be you part of the medical or healthcare industry or not?

Talks I can give for Pride and beyond, some of which I have done at Bibby Financial Services, Atlanta Group and Meliã Hotels, include:

  • A brief timeline of LGBTQ history and rights
  • 5 ways to support and include LGBTQ colleagues (being an LGBTQ ally)
  • LGBTQ-focused active bystander training
  • LGBTQ intersectionality (can be with a focus on an ESEA – East and Southeast Asian – perspective)
  • Destigmatising LGBTQ health and breaking down barriers for them
  • Anti-queerphobia (umbrella term for homophobia, biphobia and transphobia) training

Consultancies can include:

  • Help with LGBTQ-friendly and inclusive policies
  • Creating an LGBTQ glossary of terms and resources
  • How to support and work with LGBTQ staff networks
  • Ensuring your EAP is LGBTQ friendly and inclusive
  • Using LGBTQ-inclusive language (particularly in marketing)
  • Embedding a speak-up culture that empowers LGBTQ employees

Pricing and contact

Each talk lasts around an hour and can be delivered in-person if in or near Greater Manchester or Greater London, or virtual if hybrid or remotely. You can view other LGBTQ-related talks available here. For consultancy services and more information or to make a booking, contact me below.