Tan’s Talks: YPAD (Yellow Peril Awareness Day)

On 6th May 2024, Voice ESEA launched the inaugural Yellow Peril Awareness Day – also known as YPAD – campaign and exhibition. We started this to raise awareness of Yellow Peril – or anti-ESEA racism and scapegoating – and to highlight the long and rich histories of East and Southeast Asian people in the UK, all the way through from the 16th to the 21st Centuries, encompassing communities from across the ESEA diaspora.

For those who missed myself and Voice ESEA Director Abbey Wong’s webinar in partnership with Inclusive Companies on this topic and didn’t attend the in-person exhibition in Manchester or London, we are able to host a talk on this throughout the year upon request. I am currently the UK’s FIRST and ONLY ED&I consultant specialising in delivering talks and training on ESEA topics.

Exploring British East and Southeast Asian history

In this talk, I cover:

  • Terminology around “ESEA” and “Yellow Peril”
  • The rise in anti-ESEA hate crimes during the pandemic
  • A brief, select timeline of British (and Western) East and Southeast Asian history, from the 1500s through to the 2000s
  • Looking back but going forward
  • Learning about and supporting ESEA communities

Pricing and contact

This talk lasts around an hour and can be delivered in-person if in or near Greater Manchester or Greater London, or virtual if hybrid or remotely. Please click below to contact me for more details or to make a booking. All profits from this talk go towards supporting Voice ESEA.